Blog (Page 4)
An Interview with Daniel Nelms
Creekside has a commitment to see churches planted here in the United States and around the world. That commitment has led us into long relationship with Redeemer in New Jersey and they have been a personal encouragement and challenge to us as elders here at Creekside. Early on, our heart for church planting moved us to provide the health insurance for Eric and his family during the first couple of years of their church plant. It’s pretty exciting to see…
The Symptoms of Our Heart’s Condition
Sunday, July 22 @ 4pm – Fever of 100.2 F. No significant change in mood or behavior. Slightly fussy. Maybe teething. Monday, July 23 @ 7:30am – No fever. Overall happy and normal behavior. Monday, July 23 @ 1:30pm – Woke up from afternoon nap with dry cough. Has raspy voice. No fever. Monday, July 23 @ 7:45pm – Trouble sleeping. Dry, barking cough. No fever. Still has raspy voice. Seems uncomfortable. It was at this…
Why Our Funnel Hearts Need Galatians
Every night, we do battle with our two young boys about how bedtime works and what our expectations for their behavior is. It’s baffling, actually, how quickly it seems that Atticus, our 4-year-old, can forget what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior after he’s been tucked in. I’m amazed at how he seems to think that pushing the mattress off his bed to make a giant slide might be okay even though the night before we made it very clear…
New Building Update
Click here to hear the latest presentation by the elders and see some preliminary space-use plans. Ever since the beginning of the church, God’s people have gathered in public spaces. In the book of Acts, the church in Jerusalem met in the Temple near what was known as Solomon’s Portico (Acts 2:46 and Acts 5:12). We also see that the church in Ephesus met publicly in what was known as the “School of Tyrannus” (Acts 19:9-10). The life of…
Why Sing?
This is the second in a multi-part series on corporate worship here at Creekside. The first can be found here. Why Sing? Not long ago I heard Alistair Begg speak at Western Seminary and he opened his remarks talking about how American men don’t sing. He told of how in Great Britain men sing. They sing at soccer matches, they sing in the pubs, and when they come to faith they sing in the church. He then says, “American men…
Why Corporate Worship?
I go to church for solid Bible teaching… I go to be moved to worship… I go because I hunger for community and relationship… Those are just a few of many reasons why people choose to spend their time in a church service every week. Have you ever wondered, or even caught yourself asking the question, “Why go to a church service when I can get those things other places?” I can listen to a better message online. I can…
7 Reasons to Join a Missional Community
7 Reasons to Join a Missional Community We are really excited about our Missional Communities and are trusting that God will use them to equip us to be disciples who make disciples. Here are seven reasons why you should give serious thought to joining one of our communities: 1. To bring glory to God. In Ephesians 3, after Paul explaining the “mystery” of the church and his role in it (v. 3-9) he explains why it’s so important. He says…