Posts by Steve Mansour
Thoughts On Our Live Stream
During Covid we created a live stream so that those that were unable to come to our corporate gatherings due to health concerns could still take part. It was an imperfect solution, but one that I regret not having done even before Covid. Many of you don’t know this, but in 2019 my mom spent 4 and a half months in the hospital before passing away and I know that had she been able to participate, even imperfectly, in our…
Living with Wisdom in a Divided Age
I don’t think it’s news to anyone that our culture has become increasingly divisive and polarized in the past few years. Some of you may have seen this article, and this accompanying graphic, that describes how the gap between the median voters in both political parties here in the United States has grown wider over the past several years. The article spoke of the political implications of the divide, but that divide has had a much greater impact. The…
Sabbatical and the finish line
As you would expect, now that I’m back from Sabbatical I’ve been getting asked “How was it?” I’m guessing that most of you that have asked are hoping for more than just a superficial answer. Since it’s pretty impossible to distill the past months into a hallway conversation sound-byte I thought it would be helpful to write a short blog to everyone. Before I do, however, I need to say thank you for the time that I’ve had off. Several…
Thoughts on the end of the World
2020 just doesn’t seem to let up. I don’t need to remind you of the details of the last six months, we are all living them! One young mom recently mentioned as she saw the redness of the smoke-filled sky one morning, “It was so eerie, I just started praying for the salvation of my children.” Others, half in jest, have commented about it being a sign of the end of the world—and in some ways it can feel that…
Re-Gathering and Live-Stream Information
Our services will be moving to an outdoor location on August 9th at 10 am. If you would like to attend please pre-register by clicking here. Our live stream service can be found at We know that you may have questions regarding some of the safety precautions we’ve taken as we gather together as a church. Our goal is to meet or exceed all of the Governor’s guidelines for us as a church. For our indoor services we had previously released…
May 31 Discussion Questions
If you’d like a printable version of these questions, please click here. The King and Mission Application Questions What stood out to you, was there anything that impacted your understanding of God, humanity, or yourself? Do you believe that Jesus gave up everything for you? If so, how are we to respond to him? Israel wanted to look like other nations rather than God. What are some ways that we want to look more like the world rather than God? How…
May 24th teaching and worship
Please click here to see what our church is studying as we meet online every week!
2 Corinthians 13:1-10 Paul's closing remarks
To download a printable copy of these questions, please click here. Are there any truths that you saw, from either your own study or from the teaching video, that really stood out to you? For those of you that are feeling weak and incapable and weary, let those things drive you to Jesus. Hear his promise that his grace is sufficient for you, right now, today (2 Corinthians 12:9). What does it look like in your life to respond to that promise? Paul had two intentions…