Blog (Page 2)
May 31 Discussion Questions
If you’d like a printable version of these questions, please click here. The King and Mission Application Questions What stood out to you, was there anything that impacted your understanding of God, humanity, or yourself? Do you believe that Jesus gave up everything for you? If so, how are we to respond to him? Israel wanted to look like other nations rather than God. What are some ways that we want to look more like the world rather than God? How…
May 24th teaching and worship
Please click here to see what our church is studying as we meet online every week!
2 Corinthians 13:1-10 Paul's closing remarks
To download a printable copy of these questions, please click here. Are there any truths that you saw, from either your own study or from the teaching video, that really stood out to you? For those of you that are feeling weak and incapable and weary, let those things drive you to Jesus. Hear his promise that his grace is sufficient for you, right now, today (2 Corinthians 12:9). What does it look like in your life to respond to that promise? Paul had two intentions…
Restoring a "New Normal"
What have we learned? I think it would be nearly impossible for us to have our lives so dramatically disrupted and not learn some things about this world, ourselves, and what God calls us to as his people. We’ve learned about epidemiology (even if you don’t know what that word means, trust me, you’ve learned something about it). We’ve learned about how difficult some of the decisions our governing leaders have made and how important it is to be praying…
April 26, Sunday Teaching
If you’d like to join us for what we are doing in place of our Sunday Gatherings, please click here! To join one of our Missional Communities so you can participate with others in learning God’s word and sharing burdens by praying with each other, please sign up here.
Post-Easter reflections
Creekside, I hope that you all had a great weekend reflecting on the resurrection of our Lord! In the Bible reading yesterday we read the closing chapter of the gospel of John. In it there is a painfully honest interaction between Jesus and Peter. Peter, after discovering that loving Jesus would cost him his life (John 21:18-19) was called by the Lord to follow him anyway. He immediately responded by looking at John and asking what would happen to him. The…
COVID-19 Update 03-19-2020
It’s been a busy couple of days as we’ve been considering how to best function as a church community in light of all of the challenges that COVID-19 has created! The virus and the subsequent upending of all of the normal rhythms of life, the constant bombardment of information on it, and being forced to sit and wait to see what unfolds can definitely create an environment where it is easy for worry and anxiety to spread. This morning I was…
COVID-19 Update March 13, 2020 11:40 AM
COVID-19 Update 2 March 13, 2020 Yesterday I sent out a notification stating that we would plan on continuing our Sunday services unless the situation or Governor Brown’s directions changed. Late last night she had a press conference and ordered all of the K-12 schools in the state to close until April 1. Her willingness on Wednesday to keep the schools open was one of the factors that was considered in continuing to have our services on Sunday. With her…