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Posts from December 2018

Posts from December 2018

A Closer Look at Creekside Electives

Here you are, another day at this job with this boss and these co-workers. Your boss is just a complete idiot. He undervalues your contributions and somehow thinks your co-worker is a dream. Don’t they see how incompetent they are? You’re the one who is always doing all the extra work and never seeming to get the credit you deserve. It seems like you can never get ahead in this job when you deserve so much more. Or, maybe you…

A Closer Look at Creekside Electives

Theology.  The word itself sounds academic.  Though there are a few people who are theologians vocationally, all Christians are called to be theologians.  Theology is the Church’s ongoing discussion about God’s gracious work and revelation to us. All of us are called to this reflection. Our theology impacts not only how we see the world, but how we live in the world.  It isn’t just one belief among many. It is a sort of master belief that impacts the way…

A Closer Look at Creekside Electives

As Jesus prays to the Father in John 17, he teaches us some things about who we are.  He speaks of how he has given to us God’s word which is both a source of joy and conflict as we live here in this world (John 17:13-14).  He speaks of how we are set apart and no longer “of the world” (John 17:16-17). He also speaks of our mission, that we aren’t to isolate ourselves from the world, instead stating…