Men of Creekside, join us April 1st-2nd for a local retreat that we’re calling “The Men’s Retreat for Busy Guys”. We named it that for two reasons:
- We scheduled differently than a typical retreat, knowing that many of you have busy Spring schedules. We will meet Friday, April 1st from 7pm-9pm (bring a snack to share) and be back to sleep in our own beds Friday night. Then we’ll resume the next morning at 8:30am (come hungry, we’ll have breakfast!). We’ll wrap up the retreat by 11am.
- The theme of the weekend is also directed toward the subject of “busyness”. Our text is Luke 10:25-42 and we will look at “Busyness and Loving our Neighbor” (Luke 10:25-37) and “Busyness and The Necessary Place” (Luke 10:38-42).
Don’t forget to Register. There is no cost for this event.